Cousins for a Cure!
Yep. That's the name of our team for the Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk. My cousin, Tammy, was inspired by last years closing ceremonies to join the fight !! She came out last year to Villanova,with my dear Aunt Doris, to see me and take pictures as she is also a photographer....this year, she walks beside me! Everyone has 1 person that they bare their soul to. Tammy is my person. I tell her everything. I am so excited,and proud to walk by her side for 60 miles! I hope we don't run out of things to talk about!! Doubtful!
Hello Cheryl-
Thanks for leaving the note on my blog. I am sure you and Tammy will have nooooo trouble finding enough to talk about. Good luck on your walk. What a wondeful gift to do for others. We will be cheering for you!
Peter Yesis, at 7:57 AM
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