Publix Deli Meet
So, I was at Publix today...waiting at the deli counter, we all know how crowded that place can be on a Saturday morning..and there was a cute guy waiting next to me. He was wearing a Gator shirt, a nice smile, and there was no sign of a ring......3 for 3! We exchanged a few smiles...a little small talk about the wait, you know the drill. He seemed to be shopping for his Mother (not sure if that is good or bad! Ha!)...every time Mom wandered off to go get some random item, we'd go back to the smiling glances and such. I was feeling kind of frisky anyway, was fresh off a trip to the salon for a wax and a pedicure! After he got his order filled.....he left. Just walked away. No asking for my number, no meet me at the frozen food section...nothing. DAYAM! Whats up with these guys? What's a girl got to do? I gave him every signal I had in my arsenal...the eyes, the smile, the "lean in".....some of my best work! I had pretty painted toes! And I got nothing. Very discouraging.
Don't be discouraged, evidently...he was not good enough for you and realized it!
He probably still lives with mom and is working a low paying service job.
Denise Mall, at 7:33 AM
Not as good as the Sam's Club trip huh?
Mic Man, at 10:55 AM
Sindy, at 8:51 PM
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