Steel Wool
In case you were wondering, I tried out the steel wool trick last night on my stainless steel fixtures in the worked, no scratches! I went to the hardware store and got some #00 Very Fine steel wool (it says on the package that it's for metal polishing), cost about $1.50. I tried it on my towel bar inside the shower stall, which had hard water stains all over it, and the shower they're both as shiny as a new nickel!
See, that is what the summer reruns will do to you. You have resorted to cleaning to keep yourself amused. When will the torture end!?! I am not even going to turn my TV on tonight - it is too depressing.
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
Wow, that is a good piece of info. I never knew or would think "using steel wool".
Denise Mall, at 7:42 AM
So true Amy! I have taken to watching all HGTV or DVR'ed reruns of Cosby, Roseanne & Wonder Years! Can't wait til Big Brother starts!
Cheryl, at 7:46 AM
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