
Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Girls

Here are a few pics from my time with my girls in NJ....
This is Cousin and I, we are very close,more like Sisters than cousins, and only get to see each other once or twice a year - but it's always like we were never apart. We talk on the phone all the time, and she is my person....the first one I turn to with everything, good or bad, that I need to talk about.
And, this is Madelene, my friend who moved to the Bronx about a year and a half ago. She said it was only for a year, and I am still waiting for her to return home. Madelene and I worked together for almost 7 years, and became good friends in the process.....she's good people, sometimes we go a few months without talking on the phone, and then when we do.....we talk and laugh for an hour!


  • You know who you look like a little bit in those pictures? Melissa Etheridge.

    By Blogger The Ferryman, at 2:22 PM  

  • Hmm....I haven't heard that a zillion times! Sounds like a good topic for a post by YOU, with side by side pics and a poll! LOL!
    And, someone this week told me I SOUND like her (talking, not singing)

    By Blogger Cheryl, at 3:48 PM  

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