
Sunday, March 29, 2009


My weekend has been jammed with activity. Why is it always sink or swim around here? I always have either too much going on, or nothing at all!
Went to the horse track yesterday with some friends - that's always a good time as along as you go in knowing you are going to lose! Seeing as I know about as much about picking horses as I do about industrial products - which is nothing! It's a fun day though being outside and having a few beers!


Well, I know I never have time for my other blog - and this one is seriously neglected. Who has time for all of this between work, the house, and trying to have a social life!
The cat seems to be getting acclamated to his surroundings - only took him a month! He comes out in the evenings and hangs with me, but always a good 3-5 feet away!! Still doesn't want to get too close. I thought I was going to have to do some kitty cat fence installation to keep him from hiding in certain places - but we seem to have worked through it!