
Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wrester

My latest Netlfix was The Wrestler, and I was pleasently surprised. I knew I would like it, as I wasa wrestling fan back when I was young. I remember watching it on Saturday nights with my Dad, live from the Fort Homer Hesterly Armory with Gordon Solie!! THOSE were the glory days of wrestling! The movie gives good insight into the world of wrestling, from how they work out the matches, to what these guys go through and what it does to their body (all of the various AED drugs they have to take)
and mind. Oh, and there is a lot of Marisa Tomei's naked body in the movie as well, which I did not know!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Free, not so much

Saldy, there is not a lot of free out there anymore. What little I find gets snapped up so quickly that they are gone within hours, sometimes minutes, of posting. I guess that is a sign of the times - everyone has jumped on the freebie Bob stroller and taken away all of the good stuff. Here's the thing, if it's something you are legitimately going to use, then sign up and get it - but don't sign up for things just because it is free - leave some for the next person.


Summer snuck up on us didn't it? One minute its spring and POOF, bathing suit season is here and there was no time for any natural fat burners! Believe it or not, I have not even been to the beach yet, and only to the pool a few times. You see, locals had JOBS, and we do not get to lounge on the beach every spare moment, even if there is one right out your back door! My favorite beach has been closed due to comstruction on the causeway - so it is now 2 seasons when I have not been there, and I am missing it, I hope the work is done soon.


My vacation was awesome, and, even though I only worked 3 days last week, I have been dragging ever since....maybe because the office furniture was moved around and I could not find my cube? Maybe not. Glad I had the weekend to myself to catch up on laundry, chores, and some ME time. Sometimes you need a vacation after your vacation, just to get back in the daily swing! I am already contemplating another trip of some sort before the summer is over - a weekender - maybe camping on the beach somewhere, or just a jaunt to a new city on the coast.