
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Too Early for Him...

I was up at the plumber's crack of dawn this morning to go walking, and this is what I left in my bed:

After a 2 hour training walk, I came home, and guess who was still resting?

Rough life, huh?

Check out my Cereal Sunday post at my other blog !

Saturday, September 29, 2007

USF Bulls!

WOW! Did you see the Bulls game?
Our #18 USF Bulls knocked off #5 West Virginia last night before a sold out crowd of over 67,000 at Raymond James Stadium! It was a great game, and the Bulls pretty much dominated and showed the entire nation that they are for real! I have a feeling they are going to jump up to about #12 when the polls come out tomorrow night. It was nice to be out and about today, and see everyone wearing Bulls gear and talking about the's like we became a college town overnight! GO BULLS!


Fall is officially here - at least according to the calendar! In my part of the world, we do not get a traditional "Fall" season with cooler temps and changing leaves....which is why I am always looking for a fall getaway! I love this time of year, and got a little taste of it last week when I was out of town on business. It was just a tease! Now I have a friend who has moved up to East Tennessse, and she's just a short car ride from beautiful Raleigh NC, and all of it's events! I have spent time there on business as well, and it is a charming little town! They have everything from Museums, to Theatre and even a Celtic Halloween! Well. you can win a FREE Raleigh Getaway and experience all the city has to offer, and more :
-One night accommodations for two at the Courtyard by Marriott Raleigh Crabtree Valley
-$25 gift certificate to Bloomsbury Bistro
-Free VIP admission for two to Rum Runners
-2 tickets to the North Carolina Theatre
-2 tickets to the N.C. Museum of Art’s Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism
-2 tickets to Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences
Wow! I would so love to win that trip!! Who wouldn't? Go check it out for yourself, you may be on your way to a fine Fall Getaway soon!

Friday, September 28, 2007


It's freebie Friday over at my other blog. But you knew that, because you always real my other blog...RIGHT???!!

Grey's Anatomy

Season Premiere of Grey's Anatomy was just okay to me last night....until the last scene! Why do they save ALL the good stuff for the very last scene? Oh, keep us watching.
Meredith's Sister? Not so sure I like that.
Callie screwing up as Chief Resident? Boring.
Miranda telling McDreamy he needs a friend because he & Meredith aren't "smelling" each other in the elevator? HILARIOUS!
Izzy saving the deer? Cute...but not compelling.
Alex's new hair? HATE IT.
Any scene with McSteamy? YUM.
Meredith & McDreamy having Break-up sex.....pure genius!

Oh yeah, and Dr Yang is the new Nazi at Seattle Grace.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Trick or Treat!

OK, so we all know that Halloween is a coming, my favorite holiday! And, this is the only time of year that I can find one of my favorite candies...

That's right, while I love my chocolate, and Reesie Cups (which I prefer frozen)..I can get that stuff any time I want at my local store.
Halloween seems to be the only time I can get my hands on a Slo Poke around here. And please - do not insult me by telling me it is the same as a Sugar Daddy, it is not. Slo Pokes are way better. Trust me. Two things I know about are candy, and cereal!
Of course, the only place I ever see them is in those big bags of Kiddie Mix - there'll be like 4 Slo Pokes buried in with the Tootsie Rolls, Lollipops, and little yellow boxes of not worth buying the whole bag. So, I get my Slo Poke fix by raiding my neices Halloween Treat bags! All they care about are the Nerds, Gummy Things, and sour stuff anyway! I wait for them to come home and dump their bags of loot out, and then tell them a story about how much I loved that candy when I was little... and guilt them into giving it to me.
Hey, whatever works, A girl has to get her Slo Poke fix!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Governor Playboy, er Crist

Well, it seems Charlie Crist, our fine Governor, has a new woman in his life. He was dating a single Mother of 2 and former beauty queen out of Palm Beach County, who is also vying to become America's Hottest Mom. Now, it seems he has been spotted with a Miami CBS newscaster and former Playboy Playmate, Jennifer Santiago...and he took her to a Yom Kippur service, which apparently has some people in an uproar. Bringing a former Playmate to the synagogue on the holiest day of the year for atonement. He went as someone's guest, I don't think he's Jewish...was that the time or place to bring a date? Maybe not, and who really cares if she's a former Playmate - only the media.

Body Jewelry

Niece got pierced for her 16th birthday. In the belly button. It's cute, she has the figure for it,her parents approved and took her.... but I am of the mindset that 16 is too young for something like that.It's my conservative side rearing it's head. It's just so trendy right now to run out and do that, you should wait until you're 18 and be sure you want another hole in your body. Of course, she can't wait until it heals fully and she can change it out to something different. I'll have to show her these gold belly button rings to see if she likes any of them.
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8 More Days!

It seems I am going to be doing my packing most of the weekend. There are only 8 days until I leave for Philly! I started buying some of the medical supplies I'll need to carry, and I need to get out my checklist and get my things together to ensure I don't need to make any last minute trips to the store! Cousin's husband is supposed to be making us some of his famous homemade beef jerky to take with us..I hope he does, it is yummy and travels well!

Family Guy - Star Wars Episode

Did anybody watch this? I DVR'ed it, and watched it last was hilarious! I loved it! Especially all the little sight gags and 80's movie references!


I started pulling out the Halloween decorations from my storage closet, I like to decorate October 1st, seeing as how Halloween is my favorite! I live in a condo, and have a storage closet in the breezeway. That closet could sure use some storage solutions! What I have in there right now are stacks of plastic bins with stuff in them.....and while it's not a huge mess, it's still not as neat as I would like, and needs some help.
This is a sponsored post.

Monday, September 24, 2007

USF Breaks into the Top 20, and SELLS OUT!

Wow, the big news around here has been the USF Bulls. The University of South Florida is a local school here in Tampa, they are in the Big East..and have progressively gotten better each year. This year, they stand on 3-0, have beaten AUBURN in Auburn, and North Carolina here, broke in the Top 25 (at #24) a week agom, and are up to #18 this week! Their big test is this Friday at Tampa Stadium, where they face #5 West Virginia! It has been reported that the game is sold out....exciting stuff in these parts.


Here's some freebies to get you going on a Monday -

Free sample pack of Snausages Paw Prints here ...Snoopy loves his Snausages!

Free Sunsilk hair care sample pack here

Free Snack-a-Jacks popcorn snacks here

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dell Laptop

I would love to have a laptop, have been wanting one for a long time - but cannot justify spending the money on one at this time. Decent Laptops can be found for a good price if you look hard enough, and there will probably be a lot of good deals with the holidays coming. It would have been great to have one this week while I was travelling, for checking my personal emails, and posting from afar. Maybe Santa will bring me a student laptop for Christmas?
This is a sponsored post.


Snoopy & I have been watching the Buc's play this afternoon, and we are impressed. I see a ground game, I see the offensive line blocking, I see interceptions....I see us scoring offensive touchdowns and winning this game! Earnest Graham scored his first NFL touchdown, and then another right after it! Barrett Ruud got his first NFL interception! Now, THIS is how you play football! I am curious as to why there are a LOT of empty seats at the stadium, though. It seemed like that last week as well, every time they showed a crowd shot.

My Girls

Here are a few pics from my time with my girls in NJ....
This is Cousin and I, we are very close,more like Sisters than cousins, and only get to see each other once or twice a year - but it's always like we were never apart. We talk on the phone all the time, and she is my person....the first one I turn to with everything, good or bad, that I need to talk about.
And, this is Madelene, my friend who moved to the Bronx about a year and a half ago. She said it was only for a year, and I am still waiting for her to return home. Madelene and I worked together for almost 7 years, and became good friends in the process.....she's good people, sometimes we go a few months without talking on the phone, and then when we do.....we talk and laugh for an hour!

Freeze It

So, it is only 2 weeks until my 3 day walk. TWO. Actually, a little less than 2.....more like 12 days.
This morning, I did a 7 mile walk....getting ready for the big one. And, when I got back, I tried some Freeze It on my muscles. Now, your girl has walked 60 miles in 3 days and knows a little something about mucles aches and pains, and has tried ALL of your over-the-counter creams, rubs, patches and I feel like I know something about this type of product, a little more than your average person might.

Freeze It is all natural, and you know your girl likes that. I opened up the packet and took a nice sniff....that may not have been a good idea, as it was fairly strong up close like that! Kind of like dipping your nose in a bottle of vapor rub! It had a strong minty eucalyptus odor, not unpleasant. I am so used to the mediciny smell of the other muscle creams, and I was waiting for that familiar stinky odor - the one that gets in your clothes and bed, but it's not there. When I squeezed some out into my hand the first thing I noticed is that is was cold. Real cold. Muy Frio. I spread some on my calves and waited. After about 5 mins, it was icy cold..and I could feel it doing something.....but it was not getting hot....and then I realized that it does not do that! I think I am so used to the other ones that go from cold to hot, that I was waiting for it to start feeling warm, and it does not do that - it just gets icy cold. It also disappeared right into my skin, and did not leave a sticky feeling behind like some of the others do. And remember that odor I told you about? It disappeared...vanished right into my skin with the gel! I have a few packets left, and they are just the right size to put in my waist pack for the 3 day walk, so I'll be taking those with the meantime, your boy Snoopy will be guarding them for me!

Cereal Sunday!

Go over here and read my inaugural Cereal Sunday post!

Friday, September 21, 2007


I am back from my trip up north, and even though I was there on business, I ended up having a fabulous time! The weather was perfect, I ate some real good food, and I spent a memorable evening at the hotel bar with 1 old friend, 1 new friend, and my favorite cousin! Who would have thought that the bar in a Holiday Inn in Nowhere, NJ could be so much fun? I guess it's all about the people you are with, and what you make of your time together. I got about 3 hours sleep last night, and am dog tired - but I would not trade the memories for anything, it was worth it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jersey Girl

Greetings from the garden state! I am in Springfield, NJ (just outside of Newark)running a training course to a new employee. The weather is GORGEOUS - low 70's during the day, and upper 50's at night....I am loving this fall feeling, and will be disappointed when I return to the heat and humidity of Florida! I am reliving my childhood (I am from the Jersey Shore) by enjoying REAL subs and some good diner food....and tomorrow, my favorite cousin is picking me up at work, and we are going to have dinner and she is staying at the hotel with me!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Inside Out?

Have you heard of nourishing your skin from the inside out? I have not, and I am all about trying to keep my skin young looking! I go to the dermatologist twice a year for a freckle check, can't be too careful in this Florida sun! And I am a big advocate of moisturizer, I use it more than once a day, with an SPF of course. I am constantly telling women around me how thirsty their skin is! And especially young girls, like my nieces, I tell them to get into a routine now of moisturizing daily and you won't have to worry about lines on the face when you reach your late thirties! Do they listen? NO. When I was young, did I? NO. Now I hear about this R.G. Skin Revitalizer, which is an oil from a subtropical super- fruit the Red Gac...(sounds like an animal!)'s a bright red cantelope type fruit that grows in vines in southeast Asia, and is full of anti-oxidants! Taken daily, it is great for your skin, and your immune system! It's a win-win fruit! I am all about taking the natural way out when I have a health or skin issue, so I spend a lot of time in the vitamin aisle at my local natural food store...I'm going to have to check some of this out next time I go and see what it can do for me!
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Out of Office

I am going to be out of town on business the rest of the week, with limited internet access, so I may not be able to try to get along without me, and play nice! I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

Blogger BBQ

You can go here to read about the blogger bbq I attended on Saturday.

Oh yeah, and did you see the Buc's game? They actually RAN the ball, and scored offensive touchdowns, and completed passes! They looked like a good team! It was fun to watch them play well, I hope it lasts. I was glad to be watching it from the comfort of my air conditioned living room though, it was really hot & humid yesterday - I can only imagine how brutal the heat was in the stadium, been to a few of those hot games and it's not fun!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Latin Dancing

Here on the Florida gulf coast, we have a large latin community, and I see latino clubs popping up around the city of Tampa. Of course, I have no clue how to Salsa or I haven't spent a lot of time in those clubs. Well, now you can learn bachata lyrics and dancing through DVD! And, I have seen the latin dances, they look like a real workout, so you can get in shape while you learn how to Bachata! It seems like it would be a lot more fun than the treadmill!
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Fiber Freebies!

Some freebies to keep you "moving" !

Free sample of Fiber One cereal here, use pin code 10128-793932.

Free sample pack of Sunsweet fruit products here.

Gators Romp inthe Swamp!

Wow! Did you see the Gator game yesterday? AWESOME! They beat Tennessee 59-20...I loved it! I never expected the score to be that high! Tim Tebow really looked good. And, that sea of blue every time they showed the stasiom crowd looked great! Mr & Mrs Fab reported that the Gainesville newspapers were asking all of the fans going to the game to wear blue, so as to not confuse their orange with that nasty Tennessee orange....I liked it!


Do you worry about your computer crashing and losing all of your memory? Emails, letters, documents, pictures and spreadsheets? Boy, I do. I have a lot of stuff buried in this machine that I need! Anytime@Anywhere online backup can protect your important data and give you peace of mind. They cover the personal and business user, and you can try it FREE!
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Since I was away with my best girlies last weekend, today is the official kickoff of the NFL season for me! I have already completed my chores, and have some banana bread in the oven. I have Brother and Nephew coming over to watch the Buc's game with me....we're going to eat some food and enjoy a relaxing afternoon of football!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Busy Saturday

I have barely been home today! I started my day at 07:30, Snoopy was up and ready for his morning walk! I put the coffee on and took him out while it brewed. I threw in a load of laundry, got the roast out of the crock pot (I made a pot roast while I was sleeping!) did a few things around the house, read the paper, showered, and then was out for a 10am hair appt. When I got home, I took Snoopy for another walk, swapped the laundry to the dryer, did a few more small chores...and them headed back out again for Niece's birthday party, and then up to Sister's for dinner. I just got home, and am happy to be done running around. Tomorrow? Staying home!

Friday, September 14, 2007


Most people don't know this about me, but I am a romantic. I believe in happy endings. When watching movies, I always want the guy to get the girl, and vice versa. When I am dating or in a relationship, I am a sucker for flowers and love letters. There. I said it.
When I was with my girlies last weekend, we were watching a movie and discussing the situation the lead guy got himself into, and how he could get out of it and keep the girl...I got poo-poohed for wanting him to win over the bad guys and get the girl. Now, 2 of these women I was with have been married for over 15 years, think the romance is gone? They tried to tell me that the passion leaves and then you just have this (arms held out)...! NO. Say it isn't so! I believe that you can have passion, and "this" (arms held out). I believe in, as Carrie Bradshaw put it, Za Za Zoo....that special something that you feel when you meet someone. I got a lot of eyerolls and was told the only reason I believe this way is because I am NOT married! Pssh. Well, I poo- them right back! I believe in Romance for Everyone. And, I also believe that they need to get the romance back, and quick!
This is a sponsored post.

Friday Funny!

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you
began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive,
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and
practicing law

Lean Cuisine for the Cure!

I posted this on my other blog, but felt it was important enough to post here as well. Lean Cuisine has again teamed up with Susan G Komen for the Cure, with their " Carry on the Cause" promotion ! They are selling these special insulated designer lunch bags for only $9.95, which INCLUDES shipping, and are donating $5 for every one sold to Susan G Komen for the Cure! They have raised over $222,000 already with various promotions!
So, you can be thrifty like me by bringing your lunch AND fashionable by carrying one of these limited designer bags! It would also make a great gift for someone...the holidays are coming!
Once they are gone, that's it. Last year, they sold out FAST! REAL FAST! So, get yours now, it's a good price, and half of the money is going to a great cause!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


It's only 20 days until I leave for the 3 day walk.....TWENTY! I have so much to do......! I have to pick out and pack my clothes, I have to check and make sure I have all the medical supplies I need. OK, so that's only 2 things....other than those I am ready.

Oh, and YOU only have ONE WEEK to get my card or letter in the mail! Remember when I posted about that and you made a mental note to surprise me with a card at the 3 Day walk? You know who you are....and you know how much that will make me smile and give me the motivation I need to keep , go ahead and take care of that, it's only a 41 cent stamp - make my day, do it now.


We had our office redone earlier this year, new carpet, paint..the whole deal, right down to the artwork on the wall! Of course, we didn't get any new Executives Desks! I found this site where you can buy furniture from the comfort of your home....they have everything from living room furniture, to bedroom furniture, even home office furniture of you are looking at a fall redo!
This is a sponsored post.


Tonight is part 2 of the HOH competition, of course, we still don't know who won part 1, cause it was an endurance they left us hanging.
Oh, and reminder there is a State of the Union Address tonight with George, fix your DVR so you're not recording THAT instead of something cool like CSI or Gray's Anatomy!

Thursday Tidbits

Snoopy had more bloodwork done this morning, you can read about it at my other blog. He's chillin' in his bed right now, just outside my cubicle...going to the office can be exhausting you know.

Other than that, not much going on around these parts. I have a busy weekend planned though...almost too busy! I have 2 BBQ's on Saturday to go to....and of course, on Sunday there is football! YAY!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cheat to Lose?

So, when I was with my girlies this past weekend, we talked about everything under the sun, as most women do when we get together! And, our motto for the weekend was "girl's weekend has no calories!". We talked a LOT about diet and exercise, how to keep the weight off, much as we don't like to admit it, we're getting older. I know a few who have tried various dieting programs and clubs, you know the kind - you have to go to meetings, buy their food, count points. Some people are successful with that, others have a hard time keeping it off, or beating that last 5 lb threshold. Now, there is a new plan - Cheat to Lose Diet! This diet works with your body's hormones, metabolism, and cravings to help you lose weight naturally and easily.....and it encourages CHEATING with your favorite foods! By following the plan, you'll be required to incorporate your favorite foods into your weekly diet, and you learn how to cheat strategically to get your body in the fat-burning zone! I better share this with some of my girlies!
This is a sponsored post.

Kashi Cookies?

I received a free sample in the mail of the new Kashi TLC Oatmeal Dark Chocolate cookie. For those unfamiliar with the Kashi line, they make a cereal full of sticks and bark that will give your intestines a 3am wake up call!
Now, they did not ask me to review their cookie, it was not a condition of the free cookie, I'm doing it as a service to my readers!
Calling this little snack a "cookie" was a was round, and it had chocolate chips in it...that's where the cookie part ends. The many seeds, grains and other "natural" (poop forming) ingredients that they put in these cookies leave one with an immediate need for dental floss after eating them. It was very dense & heavy, and full of assorted wholesome ingredients, 3 grams of fiber, and 7 whole grains. You know what that means, right? Yeah. They should be serving these to Mr Fab's new friend Lena in the home...cause they'll make her go! I think they deliberately make them heavy so that they actually SINK to your lower intestine in preparation for the exit move. I do not receommend eating more than 1 cookie per you may be in for the long haul, if you get my drift!
Overall, I thought it was okay, if you can get past the density - which actually keeps you feeling full- it had a nice chocolatey taste from the chips, and if there were no chips it would be a round, dense piece of bark....not sure if I would spend $2.89 on a box of 10 cookies though .....that's a tad steep there Kashi..... I thought we were Good Friends? Your cereal box says we send me some free cookies so I can stay regular!

The Jena 6

How does this sort of thing happen in this day & age? Last time I checked it was 2007. These kind of stories really get me fired up and mad! And, if we allow it to happen to them, it can happen to any one of us!

I have been following the story of the "Jena 6", out of Jena, LA, where apparently they forgot about the civil rights movement and that ALL men are created equal!...A few young African American students in the local high school asked the pricipal if they could sit under a large shade tree on campus, an area that is normally where the "white kids" hang out. They were told they could go where ever they wanted, it's a free country.
They next day, there were nooses hanging from that tree.
It was dismissed as a "prank" by the school board. (PRANK? I'm sorry, have you never heard of a HATE CRIME?) After that, more African American students were back under that tree in protest, and the DA showed up accompanied by the police telling them to leave. I guess they forgot it was a free country.
Needless to say, fights broke out, racial tensions rose.....and , after a fight where a white student was hurt, 6 young African American high school students are being charged with attempted murder & conspiracy to commit murder! These are KIDS, in a SCHOOLYARD FIGHT - where I have no doubt they were either jeered into it, or forced to defend themselves. One story came out that said a white student pulled a gun! Where were the police and the DA when that happened?

And, why hasn't this been ALL over the news? I saw a newspaper article, a CNN article on their website, and heard a story on NPR about it....this is HUGE..these young men's civil rights have been violated - this should be on EVERY news channel, and there should be nosy reporters poking around all over that hick town getting some answers!

Here's the excerpt from the website , where you can get further details:

Last fall in Jena, Louisiana, the day after two Black high school students sat beneath the "white tree" on their campus, nooses were hung from the tree. When the superintendent dismissed the nooses as a "prank," more Black students sat under the tree in protest. The District Attorney then came to the school accompanied by the town's police and demanded that the students end their protest, telling them, "I can be your best friend or your worst enemy... I can take away your lives with a stroke of my pen."1

A series of white-on-black incidents of violence followed, and the DA did nothing. But when a white student was beaten up in a schoolyard fight, the DA responded by charging six black students with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

It's a story that reads like one from the Jim Crow era, when judges, lawyers and all-white juries used the justice system to keep blacks in "their place"--but it's happening today. The families of these young men are fighting back, but the odds are stacked against them. Together, we can make sure their story is told, that this becomes an issue for the Governor of Louisiana, and that justice is provided for the Jena 6.

We need to stand up and right this wrong. Justice must be served. Let your voice be heard..LOUDLY!

Please, I encourage you to go to the color of change website and read the story, sign the petitions to have the Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division step in and review the details of this case, and to let the Governer of Louisiana that as Americans we will not stand for this, nor will we allow his District Attorney run amok with his bully tactics or racist attitude.

If you are a blogger, please consider joining in a blog challenge of gathering as many as possible blog posts demanding justice for the Jena 6. All you have to do is write your post and link to the posts written about this by Marisa, Suni , and the color of change site. I'm also going to link Marcus' post about this, and if you want to link me that would be good ! Of course, read their posts as well, this is important stuff going on in our world - educate yourself!

Let's get a Jena 6 Linkathon going here people and DEMAND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Hap'n to the Cap'n?

I like Cap'n Crunch, really I's a good cereal. It gets soggy a little fast for a cereal with "crunch" in the name, and sometimes it scratches the roof of my mouth, but overall it has a very good flavor.
So WHY do they insist on messing with things? When I was little, they had the original, and they had Crunch Berries.

I liked Crunch Berries, it was the original, with some red balls in them, which were some sort of manufactured berry. I didn't care, they tasted good!
Not anymore, now they have to come out with different colored berries, and it just messes up the taste - I'm telling you that the color of the crunch berry makes a huge difference!

They also had Peanut Butter Crunch, and still do, While I am a huge peanut butter fan and will practically eat it on anything, I cannot stand peanut butter cereal , it just does not work for me. So, I offer you no opinion on this other than I do not like it, nor did my Sister as we never begged Mom for it!

THEN, they came out with Jean LaFoot's Cinnamon Crunch!!

For those unfamiliar with the world of our fine Cap'n, Jean LaFoote was his nemesis - the bad pirate, if you will. I am up on these things due to the fact that I had a Cap'n Cruch coloring book when I was 5 !
My older Sister and I begged our Mom to buy us this cereal, and we finished it in about 2 days! This is singlehandedly the BEST cinnamon cereal I have ever eaten. In 34 years they have not been able to duplicate it! Of course, like most cereals that I loved as a child, it was gone within 2 years.

In the mid eighties, the Capn' came out with Choco Crunch, which was the original mixed with little chocolate balls.

I liked Choco Crunch, and the mascot "Chockle" who looks like a blob of cookie dough! And, in the mid-eighties I was a big girl with my own apartment, so I could blow all the money I wanted on Choco Crunch! Of course, once again.....they removed it from the market. Another cereal mystery unsolved.

All I have now is the original Cap'n Crunch to keep my childhood alive. Yes, these are things that I think about.

In Memory.



I have a friend moving out of state, and as we were driving down the interstate towards the beach condo she anounced that she had closed on her new, out of state, house that day....? Ummm, how did you close on a house in another state if you are here with us? Ahh, the wonders of electronic closing, you can have a paperless mortgage, rather than walking out of there with a tree killing portfolio of paper! And, since it's all done on the computer, you can close on a house from across the country!
This is a sponsored post.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I'm Back!

I had an incredible weekend!
No time for details now, as there is unpacking and football to attend to...I leave you with the incredible sunset I witnessed last evening on the beach....with my dearest friends by my side, and a drink in hand!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday Freebie

You all know how much I love cereal....and the only thing better than a nice bowl of cereal, is a FREE bowl of cereal! Get a free sample of new Curves Cereal here!
Hey, I just had an about, for Halloween, rather than handing out little candy bars.....I give out the snack size boxes of cereal?! Would that get my house toilet papered?

LA Law

Hmmm. I know a few people who have run amok with the Law. I'm not saying I hang out with convicted felons, we're talking small time stuff; DUI,traffic violations...and maybe a little possession of controlled subtances. Had they lived in the West Coast, they could have used the expertise of Los Angeles Criminal Attorneys | California Criminal Defense Lawyers | Felony Misdemeanor DUI Specialists to assist in keeping them out of trouble!
This is a sponsored post.

BB8 - Fast Forward Edition

Big Brother was good last night! I loved the fast forward style of the show, less filler and less drama! And, I was pleased with who went home. What happened to them showing footage of the sequester house? They have done that in seasons past....showed the evicted houseguest coming to sequester, with a videotape in hand of what happened the week they were come they don't so that anymore? Hmmm? C'mon, I know Julie Chen from CBS reads my blog........!

All Systems are GO...

For the big Girls Weekend! We have Wine, we have food, we have Friends......of course, it is the opening weekend of NFL...haven't told the girls yet that we will be watching some football at the condo! I'm sure they won't mind!

Song Bird

Do you like to sing? Do you find yourself belting out a fine rendition of your favorite tune when on a road trip? Ha, I know I do...especially if no one is in the car with me! I think a lot of us do, whether we are singing in the shower, in the car...or throughout the house! There's a new a cappella store where you can go and get all kinds of CD's, sheet music, and songbooks for your singing needs!
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Thursday, September 06, 2007


I went to the dentist this afternoon, where I got a good report on my teeth and gums! : ) I do have to go back to get a filling fixed, but it is from when I was about 7, so not from bad brushing!

I also got my condo insurance taken care of..(previous carrier dropped me for no reason, I live in Florida, it's what they do!) ..they had to write me with Citizen's, which is probably no surprise to any Floridians reading this! It's a little more expensive than my previous policy...but what can you do, you have to have it!

The car is going to be washed, armour-alled and vacuumed this evening, as we are all carpooling in my vehicle for the weekend.


I was afraid to say anything for fear of some random monkey wrench getting thrown into my plans!


Snoopy is going for another sleepover this weekend, because Mommy is going out of town.

My annual weekend with my best girlfriends from High School, which was originally planned back in May, but had to be put on hold due to my Mom's health issues. We are headed south to a condo on the beach tomorrow after work......! I have a few bottles of nice wine packed that I've been saving for this occasion (kind of shocking that I didn't drink it up, right?)....some drinks, the beach, 3 of my best girlfriends....can't get better therapy than that people!!

Big Brother 8

DOUBLE EVICTION episode tonight!!!!!!!!!!


Other than my trip to Philadelphia for the 3 Day, I don't have much travel scheduled in my life right now, with everything else that is going on...there's no time. I did, however, find this cool new site,, so that when I am ready to plan my next trip I will be ready! They offer "personalized searches for better trips" , say I am a single woman wanting to take a cruise - they are probably not going to recommend say, the Disney cruise line, which is more family oriented! I did a quick search on their site for Vegas lodging, in case by some miracle I am able to go in November, and it offered me their top rated picks for Vegas hotels, with pictures, reviews and pricing - in a nice clean setup...I like that! You can also check attractions for the city you are visiting on the same page, which I have not seen on other travel sites. They are launching Private Beta in Fall 2007, and you can sign up now for the waiting list!
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Random Freeness

One month from today I start the walk!! You can read more about my thoughts on that over here.

Is this week flying by? Must be because of the holiday, I've been a day behind all week!

Snoopy is doing very well, he goes back for some bloodwork next week to check his levels and tweak the vitamin dosage if needed. He looks like he's put a littl weight on, probably all the liverwurst! I'm anxious to get him on the scale at the vet and see where he's at.

Get a free sample of Honey Bunches of Oats Vanilla Clusters!

And, once again, for the Ladies, free Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


My DVR will be in high gear tonight, my Big Brother 8 is on at 9pm, and at the same time, is the season premiere of The Biggest Loser on NBC!! So, I'll be watching BB8, and recording The Biggest Loser to watch tomorrow night when there is nothing on!


I was at the Super Wally World yesterday picking up a few things...and do you know they already have a HUGE aisle of Halloween candy out? It was LABOR DAY......! I guess the holidays will be aprroaching soon enough, time to start thinking about trick or treats, thanksgiving dinner, and of course, Christmas! With all of that comes shopping! You know your girl won't be doing any shopping without the proper coupons and discounts! Enter Coupon Chief, your one stop shop for all the coupon codes needed to get the shopping done! Need a toy for Sister Sally? They have your Target coupons!How about a new outfit for Mom? Here's a nice Nordstrom's deal for you! They've pretty much got you covered for everyone on your list! Only 111 shopping days left!


I think that's all I need to say. Tums. My stomach is seriously churned up this morning, I think I have too many worries on my little mind.

Monday, September 03, 2007


So, the college season started off with a bang this weekend, and no one is happier than I!

My Gators kicked off with a 49-3 rout on Western Kentucky. I passed up tickets to this game as I already had plans to go to Mom's, hopefully I'll get offered again before the season is over. There is NOTHING like a Saturday afternoon at The Swamp!

Local team, the USF Bulls put up a nice win against Elon.

But, the big news was the Michigan game! Division III Appalachian State, BEAT the Wolverines, IN THE BIG HOUSE.....! They'll be talking about this one for a while. My favorite story to come out of it? A. State is sending a jab to Kirk Herbstreit from ESPN , in the form of a platter of cupcakes - as he jokingly passed out cupcakes Saturday morning on College Gameday when referring to schools like Michigan scheduling opening day "cupcake" opponents. Talk about eating your words!

Tonight at 8pm is the Bowden Bowl, Clemson vs FSU - I don't like the Seminoles - however, it's football so I will be watching!

Sunday, September 02, 2007


You can read all about my weekend with Mom here.

I am finding it sooo hard to motivate myself to train in this weather, and I know I have complained about this before! It is just so hot & humid, and makes it even more brutal on your body to go outside and move! I did about 3 miles Saturday morning at my Mom's...there is noplace to walk there! No trails, she lives right off a state highway with no the only way to go out and walk is either go around her really small subdivison 18 times, or walk alingside the main highway and risk getting blown off the road!
I did my 4 mile Publix run this evening.....not much, but it's something, I'm moving my body and breaking in my new shoes!

Good Look

While at my Mom's this weekend, we took a picnic lunch and spent the afternoon at Port Canaveral yesterday enjoying the water and the beautiful weather. There were boats coming in and out from various fishing trips and outings. There are also large cruise ships at the Port, as there is a large terminal there for Carnival, Disney, and Royal Caribbean. We sat there talking about how fun it would be to just jump on a ship and go! Neice was trying to get a good look at the Disney cruise boat, we were not close enough to really see the details, and they were not leaving port until the evening, so the only way we could get a real look at them is if we had some bird watching binoculars!
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